Saturday, December 31, 2011

‎Goodbye 2011, I've been blessed a lot this whole year,
Well, Hello 2012!! :')




Sunday, November 13, 2011


Greyson Chance, he's so cute!! :) 
Welcome to Malaysia..

Monday, August 22, 2011

Allah has no Blackberry or an iPhone but He is my favourite contact .He doesn't have Facebook but He is my best friend. He doesn't have Twitter but I follow Him. And, He doesn't have internet but I am connected to Him. Assalamualaikum and have a great day :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

*Friendship is the needles of a clock. 
  We’re in the same clock, but not able to meet for long time.
  But the good thing is, we stay connected!! haha :-)
*Missing someone badly is because of 2 reasons, either they were always there with you or you always wished to be there with them
*Every single person in this world has at least one secret that    will break your heart..
*The most unhappy people are the ones who always undervalue what they have and overvalue what others have.
*Many people never get what they wanted because they're too busy looking for the best when the best was already theirs.
*"I Love You" two seconds to say it, two hours to explain it and a lifetime to prove it..
*Why does everything have to be so hard sometimes? Maybe, because if it was easy.. you'd never know if anything was worth it
*Looking back at the past mistakes and you can do nothing bout it, but you can always look in front and do something!
*School may be hard, annoying, and irritating. But admit it, you’re going to miss it when it ends.. -_-"
*Don't let anyone make you doubt yourself. When the timing is right, you will prove them wrong..
*Being respected is more important than being beautiful
*Good decisions come from experiences and experiences come from bad decisions...
"SMILE" it will make you look better, 
"PRAY" it will keep you strong, 
"LOVE" it will make you enjoy life.
*ExPeRiEnCes Is ThE bEzz TeAcHer!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass ,
It's about going out there and dancing in the rain.

Live life to it's fullest for the oppurtunity ,
may not be tomorrow
Life is like a roller coaster ride. You have your ups and you obviously have your downs , but in the end , it's gonna be a blast! 
To get the happiness,u must have a rainbow,
To have a rainbow,u must have a little rain.

To all teachers in the world ( especially to my father! ), I wanna say ' Happy Teachers Day'...

Thnx for guiding and inspiring me...teachers are the best persons in life!! c:
Without you, I would have been lost,
Thank for everything,
And making me what I am today,

Teachers are the beginning of my life..
Happy Teacher's Day!  xD

Sometimes, we feel like hating ourselves and sometimes we feel like we want to be like someone else, right??
... But before you feel that, think about it.
Why do you must hate yourself??
 Why do you want to be like him / her?? Why? 
Everyone have their own speciality and weakness.You have your own too.
Appreciate what God gave to you and be proud of yourself.

p/s : don't understand?? pretend to understand.... ^_^
The world always looks brighter from behind a smile!
Every day you spend without a smile, is a lost day. 
Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
A smile can brighten the darkest day. Never give up to your smile ..Sometimes a smile can bring you a ray of HOPE ,HAPPINESS and PEACE ♥♥♥ because...
Smile is the key in LIFE,so never stop to.. :D

Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about..